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Fees as of 2024

Groups (60-90 min): $35 – $45

Couples (80 min): $275

Families (50 min): $200 
(Families are defined as when the treatment unit consists of 2 or more people on a regular basis.)

Individuals (40 – 50 min): $175
(Children’s treatment includes parent sessions at this same price.)

Phone calls, travel, observations, and paperwork may also be billable in certain circumstances, usually in 15 minute increments.  (Fees can be provided upon request.)

I do work on reunification cases, but do not testify in court.  If required or subpoenaed, the requesting party will be billed $850 in advance, non-refundable, for each day needed at court in addition to $100 per hour spent at the courthouse to be billed after each day in court.

Session Frequency

In order to complete a thorough assessment, develop a relationship, and gain momentum, initial sessions are weekly. After five to eight sessions, this may change to bi-weekly if appropriate.

Good Faith Estimate

Why I Do Not Take Insurance

  1. To bill your insurance, I must assign you a Mental Illness
  2. Insurance providers require written reports that show your progress or lack of progress to justify services.
  3. Finally, the mental illness goes on your record. If at any point, insurance begins to look at existing conditions to determine coverage, that information is available to them. It is also available to life insurance policies.

I prefer to have greater control over my client’s confidentiality and the ability to provide treatment for matters that may not be full blown illnesses, such as relationship problems. This is why I do not take insurance.

I do provide a super bill for clients who wish to submit for reimbursement from their PPO insurance. Also, FSA and HSA cards can be used for payment. Remember, in order for Insurance to reimburse a mental illness diagnosis must be present.

For more thoughts on insurance and mental health, see this post.


I accept check and all major credit cards as forms of payment. (Exact change is also acceptable for cash.)

Cancellation Policy

If you are unable to attend a session, please make sure you cancel at least 48 hours beforehand. Otherwise, you may be charged for the full rate of the session.

Any Other Questions

Please contact me for any additional questions you may have. I look forward to hearing from you!